

Directed by: Diego Lerman

Cinema program "Refugiado" in Zabrze

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Movie poster Pod ochroną
Original title: Refugiado
Runtime: 95 min.
Production: Argentyna / Francja , 2014
Release Date: 6 March 2015
Distribution: Nowe Horyzonty

Directed by: Diego Lerman
Cast: Julieta Diaz, Sebastian Molinaro, Marta Lubos

He gave the names of his knives. He told me not to wymądrzała, because I will have to deal with Don Raul. It was such a joke it - says in a shelter for women who have been wronged his companions Laura, a victim of domestic violence. This time is determined to eight years with his son Matias not to return to aggressive husband. Realizes, however, that she would have to look for them a new place, in which both will be able to start a normal life, without constantly looking back. At stake here is not just freedom from constant fear, but also save the boy's psyche, the future becomes more uncertain. Under the protection of a simple, real, emotional movies about trying to break out of the spiral of violence undeserved. Perfectly executed, supported also by Wojciech Staron valued operator, cinematographer, among others, Saviour Square (2006) and the Prize (2011).

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