
Coconut And The Little Dragon

Der kleine Drache Kokosnuss
Directed by: Hubert Weiland, Nina Wels

Cinema program "Coconut And The Little Dragon" in Zabrze

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Movie poster Koko smoko
Original title: Der kleine Drache Kokosnuss
Runtime: 83 min.
Production: Niemcy , 2014
Category: animation / family
Release Date: 24 July 2015
Distribution: Monolith

Directed by: Hubert Weiland, Nina Wels
Cast: Carolin Kebekus, Claudia Michelsen, Dustin Semmelrogge

Filming globally popular series of books for children about a group of mischievous but charming dragons and their amazing adventures.

Average rate: 3.0
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Movie trailer: Coconut And The Little Dragon

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